custom titles/ subtitles for starting countdown.
team names, group names, shop contents and more can be translated in your server languages. you can either remove or add new languages. each player can receive messages, holograms, GUIs etc. And of course, you can run as many servers as you want in bungee mode. This will require to install BedWarsProxy on your lobby/ hub servers so players can join. The server can be automatically restarted after a certain amount of games played. It can host multiple arenas on the same server instance and clone and start new arenas when needed so other players can join. BUNGEE: a brand new scalable bungee mode. You'll be added to the game when joining the server. BUNGEE-LEGACY: the old classic bungee mode where a game means an entire server instance.
It will protect the lobby world and games can be joined via commands, NPCs, signs and GUIs.
MULTIARENA: will require an entire server instance for hosting the mini-game. Games will only be accessible via commands. SHARED: can run among other mini-games on the same spigot instance. This plugin uses NMS code spigot forks without NMS are not supported.
For a better world restore system install SlimeWorldManager.